6 Reasons to Start a Bullet Journal and How to Get Started Today

6-reasons-to-start-a bullet-journal-how-to-start-a-bullet-journal-with-karmen-meyer-photography

Did you know that when you write down your goals you are 90% more likely to achieve them?!*

For me journaling is such an essential part of my self-love journey. I check-in with myself daily to take the vortex of anxiety-inducing tasks swirling around in my head and out them down on the paper. And what do ya know, they seem so much more reasonable once they are stationary. A journal is a safe place to say what’s on my mind. A place to dream big, set goals and make promises to myself. And you can easily do the same!

Here is a quick run-down of how journalling can help:

  1. reduces anxiety

  2. increases productivity

  3. helps you to set goals and actually achieve them

  4. keeps creative (and sometimes chaotic) thoughts in one place instead of scattered on random napkins, envelopes, and phone notes.

  5. the blank slate of each dotted page keeps you creative and in charge of what needs to be said that day

  6. and last but not least, it helps to practice the art of letting go of perfection. There are now perfect squares or pre-written titles. I think a lot of people start bullet journals with this idea that they are going to Pinterest worthy, and sometimes they are. But for me, and I’m willing to bet most people, it’s function over form. Just showing up and checking in, is so much more important then having each page immaculately laid out!

Are you sold yet?! Well the good news is that you don’t need much to get started. Just get yourself a pen and a notebook with dotted lines. I don’t use anything fancy here, I most recently ordered this ‘Essential Notebook’ off Amazon for $12 but I have seen similar ones at Chapters as well. (I am on the hunt for a stationary brand who is transparent about where and what their notebooks are made from though! If you know of any please do share!!). And then the final, most important step. DON’T OVERTHINK IT! Just go with it, if you have a messy journal it doesn’t make it any less impactful.

For example, my sister and I both bullet journal. Hers looks like a freaking artist’s sketchpad and mine looks like an explosion of lists, thoughts and the occasional drawing from my beloved children (Ugh, but remember…. the art of letting go…. deep breaths y’all). There isn’t a right way or a wrong way here. You do you girl!

Here is what works for me:

  1. Attempt to make the first page of the journal pretty. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. The end result doesn’t matter here, you just showed up for yourself friend. And I am freaking proud of you. I just started a new journal, and since it happens to coincide with the new year, my cover page has the number 2020 written large in the centre and then I wrote down meaningful words that I want to focus on this year. Basically it looks like one of those bubble charts we had to do in school. Call me a nerd, but you will see quite a few of said charts in my journal. They just work so well for plotting together my never-ending train of thoughts!

  2. The next page, I write the title TO READ in 2020. This page I will leave blank and whenever I come across a book or post I want to read, I will write it down here so I don’t forget. PLUS, I love checking things off a list. The more lists the better lol.

  3. Next page, I write the title TO LISTEN TO in 2020. This page is dedicated to audiobooks, podcasts, music.

  4. and the next page, I write the title OTHER RESOURCES. Listen friends, I am a research machine and having a consistent place set aside to keep track of the info I want to indulge on is such a time saver!! If this isn’t your jam. Don’t do it. Easy Peasy.

  5. From here on out the world is your oyster. Depending on what I am needing, I may write a daily to-do list. Or maybe I need a good old brain dump…. What’s a brain dump you ask? Well… write Brain Dump (or Thoughts if your feeling fancy) and then you just start writing down what is taking up space in your mind. These two things are what I do the most! But I also use these blank pages to map out plans for social media, to collect quotes that inspire, to write gratitude lists. I also, check in every few months to re-write my brand/life values and make sure that I am living in alignment with those values.

Bullet journals can be as simple or as intricate as you want. Because each page is blank, it means that they are basically universal. It just takes a bit of a commitment at the beginning to get into the habit. But I’m telling you once you settle in, it will be something you look forward to! If you have any questions or would like to know more about bullet journaling just let me know!

I hope this helps so much on your journey toward self-awareness, reflection and goal setting!

Can’t wait to chat more next week! Warmly,



* ok I don’t know if it is exactly 90%! I read this fact so long ago that I don’t even remember where to look for the exact information lol. But moral of the story, WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS.