2012 Marathon Dates {coming soon} | Edmonton & Red Deer Boudoir


Oh my goodness, can you believe that my last post is from October?!  I am so sorry to have neglected my blog these last few months.  As some of you probably know, I was blessed with an amazing last minute opportunity to travel to Africa to photograph a youth organized caravan.  The whole thing was just a wonderful {maybe sometimes trying} experience but it left me a bit back-logged with work here at home.  FINALLY though, I am all caught up and the time has come to start planning this year's BOUDOIR MARATHONS!!!  I am currently in the process of booking locations, hair, make-up and everything else that we might need to make this year's marathons the best yet.  If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or just want to get booked in early feel free to send me an e-mail here!


p.s.  Want to check out photos from my trip?  There are right over HERE!

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